The American Cancer Society FUNdraising App gives participants of Relay For Life and Making Strides Against Breast Cancer the ability to send fundraising messages and accept donations via check, credit card and PayPal right from their mobile phone. Now your friends and family can't escape with the, 'I only have plastic,' excuse.
Competitive Analysis Presentation - iOS to Android
This presentation compares native design styles for iOS and Android by showing native functions and commonly used apps such as Twitter, Instagram, DuoLingo and American Red Cross. Examples include the details that make the experience belong to the platform while still maintaining brand identity. Sadly PowerPoint via OneDrive is slow.
Sketches created during and between meetings.
Profile Image Editing
Home Screen Progress Wheel
Team and Team Member Screens
FUNdraising App
The Axure password is JesUXD.
Function and Design Audit
First release of the app had several discrepancies, these presentations were made to help the developers understand where we were not seeing eye to eye.
During the 2016 Relay season our best week had 6000-7000 unique sessions per day, a slow week is 2000-3000 unique sessions per day, this is 500% better usage than the old apps. Average time spent in the app was a little over 3 minutes. We even surpassed our end of year goal with 9.1 million fundraiser dollars!
2016 Atlanta Mobile Marketing Organization Award Winner for Best Public Service | Non Profit
Download the app
Users must be registered for a Relay For Life or Making Strides event to be able to log in. In-App Registration was still in development at the time I left the American Cancer Society.
Project Detail PAGES
THD Case Study | THD Journal | ACS Mobile App | ACS Event Sites