Tester Blog

Why do people Blog?

“I blog cause I like to write” or “it’s a good outlet” or “it’s just sort of fun to do” and all of those things are true. But the real truth is that I just really love myself so much that the self-love actually overflows and I feel the need to share it with the world. So there you go. I said it. Feels good. Me. Me. Me.
- Chris Gleason, Gleasoning

I wrote all this down for you here today because it occurred to me recently that the reason I have achieved my dreams over the last ten years is because I was given the permission to lead when I needed it….
Now I am proud to be in the position to give that permission to other hungry, smart minds ready to lead. Because I know that just like me, those people are out there just looking for their first or next step.
- Abby Covert, Abby the IA

Why am I writing THIS BLOG?

  • Holy cow, you have done so many different things most people never think to try, you should write a book.

  • Things I’ve said in the last few days!

    • We grow the most when we lean into discomfort.

    • Still uncomfortable, but all the best risks have felt this way so far.

    • Lean into discomfort; the rewards are beyond what I imagined.

  • Most everything that has had a huge impact on my adult life has been a leap of faith.

    • Going to Portfolio School

    • Moving to Singapore

    • Moving to Los Angeles without a plan; stumbled into a job in San Fransisco

    • Landing my first User Experience Architect job months after learning the field exists

    • Being elected to a Non-Profit Board with complex service and team management requirements

    • Jump to Senior Information Architect in a new industry

    • Demanding permission to write a case study for my portfolio as part of accepting a 3 month contract

    • Creating a tech start up with no actual experience

    • Burnt a bridge to take a job. An org change made it the second worse job I’ve had, right after the job that made me want to go back to school.

    • Removing all voluntary committments that do not serve My Life Goals

    • Accepting these goals and MOVING TOWARD THEM.

  • Goals

    • C-Suite: Work at the level where I can have a direct positive impact on others

    • Start my own business, in addition to running the one I inherited from a family friend who was tired of the legwork.

    • Create a permaculture home where I can retire

    • I’m adding this one because without being stated, some may overlook it: FAMILY

  • If it’s interesting and won’t kill me, hurt someone or send us to jail - I’ve probably tried it or given it serious consideration. But no, I’ve never jumped from a perfectly good plane.

Jessica Fuller