Tester Blog

Jessica Fuller the COO

In college I was a personal assistant for Robbie, an international investment developer. Recently, his life dream, his magnum opus, touched reality and he asked if I could come back and be his girl Friday again. Thinking of all I learned just being close to such impressive business people, I was thrilled to help him and of course, help myself to more learnings!

Yesterday I spoke very frankly with the CFO of a company Robbie is working with as this guy also needs help but has spent over a week trying to figure out the job description. He casually mentioned needing a COO. I immediately said, "I'm not sure I'm COO material yet, but I'm willing to prove myself." His response, "I love your attitude."

Since this conversation I've spoken with Robbie, some other business savvy friends and of course my family, all of them say I'm ready for this!

My Mind is Spinning.

Jessica Fuller